[title size=”2″] ShowGrounds Client and Server v15 Launch [/title]

We’ve mentioned it, and you’ve probably heard about it–the ShowGrounds v15 client will be launching for the first time in the field at WEF 2016. The new edition features a shiny new icon (see below) and several new feature and performance upgrades. Some upgrades of note featured in the new version include:

  • USEF section code, sponsor, class level fields all carry over to newly created classes
  • Order-of-go tool now allows for printing and review, before publishing to the web
  • Quick search additions like “divisions that end today” and “divisions that end tomorrow”
  • Division search tool now allows for searching “has classes scheduled on” where the software will find any divisions with classes on a particular day

And many many more in progress….

v15 client                           New-WEF-logo-2015


[title size=”2″] Changes to the Simple Scheduler [/title]

The simple scheduler has been given the ability to add non-class events. Now you can schedule and account for drags/watering or breaks in the show–without interrupting your class start times. Also, the new scheduler will update trip time when the OOG is set. No guessing. Simple.

Simple Scheduler Changes

[title size=”2″] ShowGrounds now supports dressage! [/title]

In order to better serve our clients, several of whom offer dressage shows throughout the year, we have incorporated dressage into our software. Dressage options are added into applicable drop downs, and ‘coach’ fields have been created from scratch.


Screen Shot 2016-01-08 at 4.36.23 PM


[title size=”2″] Miscellaneous Bugs Fixes [/title]

  • Fixed a bug that made groups disappear from Classic Classes
  • Fixed type ahead bug in split fees window
  • Several behind the scenes performance bugs to make ShowGrounds run faster