Stabling by Trainer report
We’ve developed an excellent new report: Stabling by Trainer — with detail. This provides an overview of all the stabling products purchased by each entry. It prints one page per trainer and operates on the selection of entries.
Go to Print>Stabling by Trainer — with detail in Entries
Supply reports
We now offer the ability to report your supply delivery based on the category of the fee. For instance, you can set up “Feed,” “Hay,” and “Bedding” as separate categories. On a related note, print-outs now include rider and trainer information.
Go to Print> Feed Delivery By Category>
Please let us know as you navigate through any of your reports if there are feature enhancements that you would like us to implement.
Logging more history, and payments
For “change history” for any type of add/drop, we now log changes made from the app, online at, as well as the Rapid Add/Drop Tool and the Entry Add/drop tool.
We set up an alert if a user tries to “overpay” for an entry. The user CAN continue through the process, and their account will show a credit balance.
Small Issues
1) Importing Shows – There were several minor issues with importing shows that resulted in information from the previous show being retained. For instance information about classes having been scheduled or other information. We’ve identified several items and fixed them including class schedule data, class size, verified status, etc.
2) Removed old item (“Combine multi-horse entries”) from Entries quick actions.